Down at the allotment, I cannot believe the onion situation.
It must be a rabbit that has got in as the tops are neatly nibbled off. How can
the bulb take nutrients from the leaves if they are passing through the
digestive system of a rabbit? There are 2 gaps in the fencing where someone
with a strimmer has caught the netting. The holes are large enough to allow
rabbits to get through. The courgettes are establishing, but the crown prince
squashes and the pumpkins do not look incredibly green, and 2 of the pumpkins
have bit the dust, or been bitten off by slugs. The cucumbers are standing
upright but look a little pale. I have found some rocket plants. I sowed them
about 7 weeks ago and they are still small, much smaller than nearby weeds. I
harvested a supermarket bags’ worth each of the oriental and Italian salad
leaves. That is 2 more lots of £1.49 I have saved. I have therefore already got
my money back on those seed packets.
I came home and fed the sweet peppers and chillies and the
sweet peas, and tried out the nettle feed on the fuchsias and roses. The big
news of the week in the garden is that the sweet peas have started to flower. The
middle fence panel of the Charlie’s Angels has bloomed with the pale blue
petals, and a great scent. I have never grown them before so this is all new to
me. I tidied up some of the pots and made a bit more space in the conservatory,
but rain stopped play.
Next post: 21st June
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