Sunday, 10 June 2018

10 - 11th June

Another scorching day so it was a little more watering at the allotment. I also finished hoeing the onion bed and I also did a quick hoe down the middle of the next section where the sprouts are. It was not a perfect job but it will keep them down for a while. It was disappointing to see that although some onions were growing well, a lot of them seemed very small. Onions will grow leaves until the point in the year when the hours of daylight equal the hours of darkness after which they take nutrients from the leaves and put them down into the bulbs, which bulk them up. I would imagine that the bulbs grow a bit before that, but judging by my onions this has not happened. I also need to get some netting for the brassicas as caterpillars are having their wicked way with the leaves.

The allotment with garish scaffold netting to attempt to keep the rabbits away
In the evening back home I potted out the tomatoes and the chillies. I plucked out a few basil seedlings that looked sickly and pricked out 5 seedlings for people at work. I watered and put down some coffee granules and slug pellets. The place where I obtain my coffee is closing down on Friday, great!

11th June
As it was my niece’s birthday and we enjoyed ourselves at her garden party, my gardening today was a quick burst at lunchtime when I tied in my turbo tomatoes and some of the sweet peppers to stakes. I also tied in the sweet peas that needed holding up along the netting.

Next post: 19th June

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