Monday, 9 September 2019

4th - 9th September

4th September
Eight more courgettes from the allotment and today I also picked 2 cobs of sweetcorn which I blanched and froze.

5th September
After the family inspected the allotment plot we went over to my parents where Dad has allowed me to dry off my onions in his greenhouse. I peeled off the outer, flaking and dirty skins and filled a bag of these for my compost bin but 3 bags full of onions, and I also have a load back home as well making a total of 151. Great!

7th September
Only 2 courgettes today but another 2 sweetcorn cobs. This time, we had them for dinner. My wife has never had them this fresh before and she was amazed at how different they taste. A satisfied customer!

9th September
Yesterday the weather suddenly picked up and felt like summer – that’s at least the second time this year! There has been talk of an Indian summer – there always is when we’ve had a poor one, I think it is people’s wishful thinking for some compensation before winter - well, we had an afternoon of it anyway, and today was quite warm and sunny too so maybe autumn has been postponed although leaves are changing colour.

This afternoon I finally started to wash the flower pots and trays. I took an old bowl of soapy water and one of clean water out to the garden and set about the task. I got quite a few cleaned up as well as sorting out what plastic items have to go in the bin and which ones I can recycle – they needed cleaning as well. So there were many yoghurt pots and plastic cups to wash as I can take them to a local plastics recycling plant (our council doesn’t take all types of plastic). I even washed out the compost bags as they can be recycled too. Basically this place I’ve found will take any plastic as long as you can positively identify what type of plastic it is. They all have a number 1-6 (7 can’t be recycled) according to the specific type. A lot of plastic these days has a triangular recycle symbol on it with either the number in question of the initials of the type so that you can identify it. We keep a large black bin bag in the conservatory and put all our plastics in there that we can identify and when I’ve got too many of these bags knocking about in the shed I get out 6 boxes, label them for my 5 year old and I pull out the items from the bin bags and read the number, give it to him and he runs off and puts it in the box. He loves it. Then I bag up, label and take them to the plant. A good thing is that I can take supermarket carrier bags there so although we now have these bags for life, I don’t have any guilt if I ever go shopping without one as I can take a normal carrier bag and know I will be recycling it when it is not needed anymore.

Back to the garden. I really want to get it tidied before winter this year including all pots and baskets and trays cleaned, sorted and stored where they will not be in my way. I need to tidy the shed again and burn off some of the wood I have stored as I keep collecting but still don’t have a wood burning stove – alas! I want to whitewash the front wall to the left of the front garden and make a small raised bed in front of it to grow poppies and/or cornflowers next year which will be set off well against the wall. It was white once but needs re-doing. I also want to implement the idea I had last year of planting 3 silver birch trees where the lilac stands now. I had the plan just too late last year to have the time to clear the old tree and prepare the ground but made a mental note that this September I would do that, so I have to cut down and grub up the tree, and its roots, and prepare 3 holes for delivery in October. In planting bulbs for the spring I will transfer bluebell bulbs to around the birch trees as they will be better there I think. I already have quite a few bluebells on that left side but I could really make a good show of it if I concentrated them there.

Next post: 14th Sept

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