Friday, 21 September 2018

21st September

Well, I have done something the last week – picked a few courgettes and 2 batches of spinach, but admittedly, not a great deal. Yesterday was going to be different. I had great plans for tidying up the back garden. During the week I have been working on the concrete base for the play house and I finished it on Wednesday. Spurred on by the thought of future tidiness once the house is up and the toys are inside, I wanted to spruce up the garden and yesterday was going to be the day. My plans were a jolly good lawn mow as it has had none since we came back from holiday, a good weeding session all along the borders, a washing of the large containers, especially the ones that have had blight-ridden tomatoes growing in them, a washing of the toys that have laid out through a wet summer and are now sporting a slight green tinge of mould, a folding up and putting away (hidden behind the shed) of the children’s swing that both boys have now grown out of and various other tidy and clean-up jobs.

So what went wrong? Diarrhoea and vomiting. Oh wonderful. The eldest boy had it on Tuesday and went back to school on Friday just a few hours after my wife had it which in turn was 24 hours before it hit me. Saturday was spent remaining very still and lifeless with a throbbing headache and muscular aches and stiffness, adding to the ache of wanting to be out in the garden on a lovely warm, sunny and dry September day. So today, incidentally after the youngest was up 4 times in the night, not with the expected D&V but with a raging fever, I was bursting to do something outside so as said youngest got some fresh air. I cut down the Ailsa Craig tomato plant which has blight and counted 33 tomatoes that I had to throw away. Then I cut down the even more blighted cherry tomato plant with 249 tomatoes, again, all destined for the bin. On the plus side, I potted up 3 of the 4 fuchsia cuttings I took a few months ago that have rooted very well (the fourth one died), gave the pepper plants a good feed of the last of my home made nettle tea and then was able to put the nettles on the compost. I also cut a handful of sweet peas. They are still doing well, but you can tell by the amount I bring in that they are declining. I picked 3 more red peppers, but 2 of the yellow ones had rotted on the stem before ripening – perhaps I should have picked them much earlier and allowed them to ripen on the window sill.


In the front garden, the rogue tomatoes also have blight so that is absolutely nil fruit on the tomato front this year (the 1 saved from the last gathering became blighted), but I have found 2 decent sized pumpkins to add to the 6 growing at the allotment.

22nd September
I gave the lawn a well overdue mow and a decent rake which produced a huge clump of dead grass and moss, and so I have begun the major tidy-up of the back garden.

23rd September
I took the 4 year old to the allotment to harvest the pumpkins. He was quite excited by it all, especially when a train rolled past with lots of wagons. We also picked a cucumber which looks like being the last and 4 courgettes, likewise, probably the last although I live in hope. Of the pumpkins, the largest 2 were from the rogue plant from the compost whereas the others were shop bought seeds of the F1 type which should mean better yield. The 2 rogue pumpkins were 3.5 and 2 kg in weight, the rest being 1.3, 1.15, 0.8 and 0.65 kg so in all a 9.4 kg harvest, although still awaiting the 2 from the front garden. A lot of that weight will be rind and seeds though, but still, a good amount of pumpkin for roasting, pie and soup.

25th September
I painted the concrete base for the playhouse with a sealant that will make it waterproof. I wouldn’t have bothered but my neighbour passed a huge can of sealant over the fence for me to use (well, as much as I needed anyway). Most of the concrete will be under cover once the house goes up.

Next post: 26th Sept

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