Wednesday, 18 July 2018

18th July

My wife and children were off on a long day trip with her parents today so I knew I could spend ages at the allotment after work and not be missed. There was plenty of watering to be done as it has been dry for a while although not really hot and sunny. I tied in the 2 taller cucumber plants as they had grown up their stakes some more and noticed that one of them is bearing a small, almost semi-circular fruit.

The main task was weeding section 5 for the leeks. There were thistles and bindweed as well as a quite enthusiastic annual that has shot up all over the place. I think I managed to clear about a third of the section. The question is will I be able to find the leek seedlings amongst the weeds at the other end? I was just getting to the point where I had had enough when a light shower started so I needed no further encouragement to go home.


The shower didn’t last long and at home, after dinner, I set about potting up the sprouting broccoli plants. These have been in a plug seed tray for ages and it is quite remarkable that they are all still viable (well, nearly all). In all I now have 40 of the claret variety and 10 of the Rudolph.

After that, I planted out my rocket seedlings. I will grow some at home and some at the allotment.

What I have not mentioned for a while is the situation with the sweet peas which are a wonder to behold. Even most of the smaller, weaker plants are showing signs that they will bud and flower soon. I am getting the planned effect of a sea of light blue on the middle of the 3 fence panels, with a decent display of red on the one furthest away (of the 3) from the house. The Sweet Chariot mix is doing well, but there are far more reds than blues and whites.

Every 6-7 days I am cutting most of the flowers to make a display or 2 in the house. I have given a little posy to my wife's Mum and also been able to take a decent bunch to a couple who invited us all over for Sunday lunch.

Next post: 22nd July

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